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The Crisis

To you bankers, we say No, No and No again!

In times of crisis, stop encouraging our citizens to deposit their money in your banks.

You who are getting rich at the expense of us, the merchants, who are getting poorer and poorer, that’s enough!

We say stop to the closure of small businesses, job losses, layoffs, budget cuts which of course lead to the loss of leisure activities, which are so dear to our well-being.

No, we refuse to put the weekly outing to the neighborhood pizza shop or the good family Sunday restaurants in the attic!

We don’t want to have to be satisfied with meals under the single sign of the fast food, cheap, fast food!

We want our tables to be festive and varied with seasonal products, bought from the local greengrocer.

Who says period of crisis, says on the contrary to support the expenditure near the small tradesmen!

Which inhabitant does not dread one day to see his neighborhood rid of his favorite baker, his family butcher, his favorite grocery store, his craftsmen or his mechanic who was always ready to help him when the emergency was even more urgent?

So once again, you the citizens, your savings are more precious for these craftsmen of your district than for our bankers and their safe deposit boxes, which will return them to you with a few zeros less.

In other words, spend wisely and keep the money flowing, but don’t let your hard-earned savings melt away!


La société Mac Donald's me téléphone l'autre jour, pour me proposer d'afficher une publicité de mon garage motos dans son établissement... J'ai répondu au préposé, merci sans façons, que mes motos sont destinées à une clientèle de connaisseurs, des gourmets,...

Global Warming

Arrêter de nous bassiner avec votre réchauffement climatique, quelle sera la prochaine taxe contre le réchauffement de notre planète ? Nous qui sommes incapables d'aviser la population concernée d'un tsunami en Thaïlande où d'un tremblement de terre a Katmandou !...

Electric Bikes

Vélos Électrique. Récemment un politicien Suisse bien parti, claironnait qu'il allait instaurer une taxe sur les engins qui consomment du carburant, pour développer les moteurs électrique, et que dans en avenir proche que toute transportations sera électrique ! Oui...